
Contribution to the community - top value

The company’s has become a leader throughout  the years in aiding others, from yearlong collaborations with all of the country’s welfare authorities by all of the company’s employees, who proudly provide all necessary assistance to a variety of poor populations, who are in need of assistance of any kind, ranging from food dispensing, clothing, shopping vouchers, etc., both regularly and in times of war.

Volunteering for the community

The company has volunteered during all emergencies that have occurred in recent decades and sent  hundreds of distribution trucks to any point that was required, ranging from near the Gaza Strip area in the south, to the border settlements in the north, sometimes risking drivers lives.

The company puts all the required recourses for any social enterprise such as, the distributions by “Latet” organization, the majority of associations and Chabad houses.

Without any doubt, the happiness that is seen in the eyes of those in need, is a powering fuel that drives all of the company’s employees and managers to keep moving on to the next task, indefatigably and with great determination.

We thank the community that accepts us with love.