

The Sosna Moving Group is highly committed to Israeli society, especially towards the communities in which it has been operating for over 30 years.

As part of this long-standing commitment, the Company fosters a relationship between its employees and their environment through social community engagement, as we consider this to be of supreme value as reflected in the group’s diverse activities and collaborations.

Over the years, giving back has become an integral to the Group’s DNA, and this is manifested in all aspects of its activities.

Furthermore, Sosna’s management and employees maintain a high level of dialogue that generates a unique organizational culture based on constructive, supportive and empowering communication.

Human Capital

The Sosna Group is committed to its employees and sees each one as crucial to its success.

  • Fair and Responsible Employment We operate in accordance with the Equal Pay for Employees Law.
  • The Development of Human Capital – The Group invests in the professional and personal development of its employees, generating an employment horizon through professional trainings, studies, courses and workshops.
  • Diversity and Inclusion – Creating equal opportunities through the employment of diverse populations.

Sosna believes in relationships between businesses, communities and individuals to realize the potential and promote quality of life. This is reflected in its promotion of joint collaborations between different sectors, religions and nationalities.

The Sosna Group understands that the multifaceted connection between people is the driving force behind any success! 


In recent years, with technological advances, environmental responsibility has become integral to Sosna Group’s policy:

  • Solar Renewable Energy –Solar panels were installed on the roof of the Group’s offices.
  • Decreasing air pollution and environmental damage – The Sosna Group has chosen to act and raise awareness among its employees while providing such alternative solutions as: Computerized systems to help reduce the use of paper, replacing the company’s gasoline-based vehicle fleet with hybrid vehicles and facilitating the process of replacing its fleet of heavy vehicles with green vehicles.


As a company that executes national projects during both routine and emergency situations, Sosna Moving’s activity is interwoven into the fabric of Israeli society, in all its nuances, and its management team and employees are grateful that the community welcomes them with affection while constantly seeking to expand its circle of influence, contributing and paying forward.


The Sosna Group’s involvement in the community (non-profit organizations, social organizations, national and international projects) is manifested in the such allocation of resources as: Financial donations, allocating the group’s fleet for various purposes, volunteer work of the Company’s employees and more. 

 Sosna makes it its mission to maintain a continuous dialogue with the relevant parties in each project, to better comprehend changing needs and adapt its resources, and to receive constant updates on the impact of its actions and its contributions.

Financial donations and aid, support for disadvantaged populations, the elderly, at-risk youth and more – are just part of the important and worthy activities in which the Sosna Group has participated.


  • Food Distribution to the Elderly and assisted living who were quarantined during the COVID-19 pandemic in collaboration with LATET organization
  • Loading and transporting wheelchairs intended to assist the population in Ukraine and Ethiopia.
  • The “Stones with a Human Heart” project of the Navah Association – to commemorate the fallen from Israel’s military operations, through the storage, distribution and collection of pebble sets for private and public companies to decorate the pebbles placed in military cemeteries and offer messages of solidarity, love and support to the bereaved families.

פרויקט "אבנים עם לב אדם" של עמותת נאווה

פעילות להנצחת זכרם של חללי מערכות ישראל ופעולות האיבה, באמצעות אחסון, חלוקה ואיסוף של ערכות חלוקי נחל לחברות פרטיות וציבוריות לעיטור חלוקי הנחל המונחים בבתי העלמין הצבאיים ומציגים מסרים של סולידריות אהבה ותמיכה למשפחות השכולות.

העמסה והובלה של כסאות גלגלים

המיועדים לסיוע לאוכלוסייה באוקראינה ואתיופיה

חלוקת מזון לקשישים ולדיירי בתי אבות בהסגר

בתקופת הקורונה בשיתוף עם ארגון לתת

פרויקט הפצה ענק לחלוקת חיסונים לקורונה

הובלת מנות חיסון בטמפרטורת קירור מדוייקת ותחת תקנים מחמירים ואישורים מיוחדים בין היתר גם לעובדי מד”א המקצועיים במתחמים ברחבי הארץ המחסנים את האוכלוסיה המבוגרתבדיור מוגן ובתי אבות