
Standards and Certifications

The Sosna Moving Group has implemented a comprehensive Quality Assurance and Quality Control system that meets the most stringent standards, including requirements for transportation of foodstuffs, food ingredients, and pharmaceuticals.

Our Quality Assurance System is recognized by the Israeli Standards Institute, which granted the Sosna Moving Group the prestigious Platinum Award, given to companies that have met certification requirements for at least five quality standards and which attests to quality excellence.

Sosna Moving Group is fully cognizant of the magnitude of responsibility assigned to it under this certification, particularly as a provider of logistic services to public companies, corporations, government offices, sensitive and complex national projects, in both routine and emergency situations.

Above all, Sosna Moving is committed to quality, service and safety.

The group carefully maintains transparency vis-a-vis its customers, suppliers and all Israeli regulatory bodies.

Business License
  • License to manage the Sosna Pharm business
  • License to manage the Sosna Moving business
  • License to operate a car rental office (leasing)
  • Carrier license
  • License to transport foodstuffs and food ingredients
Cert. Standards
  • IS0 45001- Occupational Health and Safety Management System
  • ISO 9301 – The Transport and Land Transport System’s Safety and Quality Array
  • ISO 27001 Information Security Management System;
  • ISO 28000 – Supply Chain Security Management System;
  • ISO 9001 – Certified Quality Management System
  • GDP- The Ministry of Health’s Procedures 126, 128 and 130 for the Delivery of Medicines;
  • A responsible pharmacist possessing all required Ministry of Health’s certifications, authorizations and approvals to supervise a Pharmaceuticals Wholesaler’s Distribution;
  • General Perfumery License.
  • Essential Factory Approval
  • Factory Approval For providing Existential Services
  • The Platinum Mark – Awarded by the Israeli Standards Institute for excellence in quality
  • Essential Plant Approval–granted to Sosna Group by the Ministry of Economy
  • Approval of a factory providing essential services to the Sosna Group
  • Traffic Safety Officer
  • Security Officer
תו פלטינה
אישור מפעל חיוני
אישור מפעל שירותים קיומיים